Monday, March 31, 2014

Reading List: April 2014

Well, April's almost upon us, so I thought that I'd post a list of stuff that I'm hoping/planning to read in the fairly immediate future: 
  • Shadowrun 5th Edition - I get to play this at conventions, so I'd at least like to not have to constantly ask about both rules and lore. 
  • Becoming - I've actually started it, but I want to read the rest of it.  
  • A Feast for Crows - I put this down to play Pokémon X, but now that I've finished it, I should get back to finishing this.  (I'm about 2/3 through.)  
  • A Dance with Dragons - I'd only start this, and it would really depend on how persistent I was on my lunch breaks with reading A Feast for Crows instead of playing Pokémon X.  
  • miscellaneous RPG book - I've got half a shelf full of unread RPG books, so I should read at least one of them.  
Obviously, I plan to read a lot more eventually, but  that's the list of immediate reads, for the near future. 

Pokémon X: Victory 1

I've got good news, everyone!  I've finally defeated the Elite Four and their Champion.  Also AZ. 
I defeated them with a team of entirely Generation VI pokémon:  Meowstic, Gogoat, Hawlucha, Barbaracle, Doublade, and Greninja. 
Now, I'm setting out to defeat them again, with a team from each generation.  I'm also imposing a few other rules for my teams: 
  • at least one mega evolution on each team
  • at least one Eeveelution, if that generation has any (none for III & V)
  • preferably, at least one pokémon that I'm using because I like it, rather than because it's "good"
However, before then, I'm going to finally catch pokémon from my Friend Safaris.  Specifically, I'm seeking females with Hidden Abilities.  I'll say this:  Meowstic's Role Play move is incredibly useful for this purpose.  

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Another Case for the Oxford Comma

Recently, there has been some controversy over the necessity of the so-called "Oxford comma".  In particular, citations have been made as to how its absence can be misleading.  However, I recently encountered a case where its absence clarifies things, though only due to the expectation of its presence where necessary. 
This isn't a great example, since it's an ingredients label and not a sentence, but I think that this might provide some insight.  I had a honey lemon chamomile infusion, and its ingredients list bore something interesting.  I reproduce it here in full: 
Chamomile flowers, lemon and honey flavors. 
The absence of a comma between "lemon" and "and" tells me that the flavors are both of lemon and of honey, and that that there is no direct lemon in the infusion.  If the Oxford comma were not expected, however, then I would not know whether "lemon" described merely a flavor or actual lemon. 
Significantly, this non-sentence cannot be - as opponents of the Oxford comma oft suggest - rearranged, since ingredients must be listed in order, from most to least. 
While I don't expect this to be a game-changer, due to its non-sentence nature, I at least hope that this helps to further convey the importance of this grammatical convention.