Thursday, December 31, 2015

Life Update - December 31st, 2015

If you follow me on twitter, then you may have noticed reduced activity on my part these last two months.  This is largely due to the holidays and some work-related stuff.  I've also been finding, though, that I've been getting more done lately real-life-wise.  I was a bit surprised today, though, to realize that it was already the 31st, though that's partly because some things came up at the last minute this past week that have messed with my schedule a bit. 
Look forward to a new year's resolution post later today.  Also, I've got a story seed that I'll be mulling over in my head while I go run an errand. 
Long-term, I'll probably be less active a little while longer, at least while I get some other aspects of my life lined up a bit better. 

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