Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Resolutions 2018

  • Write 3 blog posts each month:  2017 required me to hit the big reset button on this one.  
  • Add at least 1 webcomic to the caught-up webcomics list each month:  This should help make sure that I burn through archives at a reasonable rate.  January is going to be Legostar Galactica month, it seems.  ;)
  • Finish 4 books this year:  I keep forgetting that this is a resolution.  It's just something that I want to do.  4 seems low, but I'm having trouble keeping myself organized, and I'm hoping to fix that this year, and then go back to reading a lot. 

Life Update December 2017

This isn't going to be much of a post, but I figured that I should post a general update, since I basically didn't blog at all from May to November.
Basically, some major personal stuff happened back in May, and I forgot all about the blog.  By the time that I remembered it, though, I was also doing some major re-arranging in my life, and it was a low priority.  I've also been trying to restore the little things in my life.  (That's also why I've been working on my webcomic catch-up.) 
I did make a point to tweet occasionally, hopefully to avoid scaring anyone too badly once I realized that I'd been neglecting my web presence.  
I'll have one more post tonight, that being one for my 2018 resolutions. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Webcomic Catch-Up Update December 2017

OK, I've had to re-work my webcomic catch up.  I don't remember whether I mentioned it here or not, but I realized that this is the only way to make this practical.  Basically, every day, I'll read my caught-up comics, no matter what.  I know that I'll only occasionally be able to work my way through an archive, but I don't want to fall behind on whatever I've already done.  This should also be nice for me, since I miss the old days, when I read my webcomics daily. 

I'm caught up on the following webcomics: 
  • Unspeakable Vault of Doom
  • xkcd
  • Little Vampires
  • Maq #041
I've also moved Picatrix from active to hiatused, since it seems to have disappeared.  I've done the same for Real Life Comics, since it hasn't updated in over 2 years. 
The next one in queue is Legostar Galactica, which is going to be rough, since it updated almost daily when I was reading it.