Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Video Game Update: Heroes of the Storm

In the evening, I tend to have a bit of fun by playing a video game or two.  My main jam lately has been Heroes of the Storm.  I think that it's the sheer variety of playable characters that keep me coming back.  Of course, whatever the new hotness is, it's in the free to play rotation in a few weeks, so I can always try it out and see what I like.  In terms of the most recent heroes, Ana and Junkrat were OK, Alexstrasza was quite fun, and Hanzo was pretty fun.  I might actually spend part of my horde of in-game gold on Alexstrasza, actually.  I am, however, itching to see Blaze come into rotation so that I can give him a real try.  (I've always found the try-a-hero single-lane artificial match inadequate, so I don't bother with it.) 
Speaking of Heroes of the Storm, I'll probably be pushing these next two weekends to grind out Team League matches, just to get the guaranteed rewards. 

The Great Webcomic Catch-Up: Legostar Strategy

So, I devised a new strategy today, for helping to catch up with webcomics.  I'll bring back the idea of making Wednesday into Webcomic Wednesday, where I put forth greater effort into getting caught up.  To that end, starting tonight, each Wednesday, I'll catch up on 1 year of Legostar Galactica.  That means catching up on 2013 tonight, which should get me through the end of 2017 by the end of February. 
I'm not guaranteeing that this is how I'll do it for every comic.  Since Legostar is a daily, I might be able to do more at a time with webcomics that updated less frequently.  On the other hand, if this is too difficult, then I might have to scale it back for the next webcomic. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Webcomic Catch-Up Update January 2018

I've been staying caught up on all of the webcomics that I mentioned last month.  Unfortunately, I haven't done much catching up on Legostar Galactica, so I'm not making additional progress, but at least I'm staying caught up.  I'll push to catch up on Legostar in February.