Monday, April 30, 2012

My Chex Mix Recipe

Because I can, I'm posting the recipe that I've recently come to use to make Chex mix.  I basically combined the common elements of recipes that I found online and tweaked it to fit my own needs, as one does.

  • 1.5 cups corn Chex
  • 1.5 cups rice Chex
  • 1.5 cups wheat Chex
  • 1 cup pretzel sticks
  • 1 cup peanuts
  • 0.5 sticks butter (regular (salted) table butter)
  • 1.5 to 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce (vary to suit taste)
  • 0.5 teaspoon Lawry's Seasoned Salt
  • 2 cloves (or 1 big clove) garlic, finely chopped
  • 0.125* teaspoon onion powder
The actual making is pretty standard stuff.  Mix cereals, pretzels, and peanuts.  Melt the remaining ingredients in the microwave, stirring often to get things evenly mixed and make sure that everything's wet for most of it.  Drizzle that over the dry stuff, stirring extensively to get the sauce on everything.  Nuke for 6 minutes, in 1.5 minute increments, stirring between each increment for even heating and even sauce distribution.  Let cool on paper towels before containing, though it might not last that long.  It really is good stuff.

So, I have a rather traditional** Chex mix recipe that my coworkers, my family, and I find delicious.  What should I do now?  EXPERIMENT!  MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Now that my creativity has been unleashed, no one will be safe!  Or something.  If I find the time (not this weekend, but perhaps the next one), then I'll mess with things.  I've already got a few ideas in mind.
Maybe don't hold your breath, though, as a precautionary measure.

*That's 1/8.
**peanuts, none of that filler (bread stick pieces, bagel chips, rye chips), and, to some extent, the use of pretzel sticks instead of pretzel-shaped pretzels

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